59:504 1845 * Institutes of the christian Religion, by Beveridge. [Transi Soc. 4] 31. .1846. Edinb. 8. Der Genfer Katechismus. [J. J. Mes s: Sammlung symb. Sucher der ref. Kirche. Neuwied. III, p. 141.222.] * Commentary on the Psalms, by Anderson. f Transi. Soc. 6] 51.-1849. Edinb. 8. * Commentary on a Harmony of the Evangelists, by Pringle≫ [Transi. Soc. o] 3 t. Edinb. 8. 1846 * Institutio religionis christianae. Ed. (altera) Tholuck. 21. Berol, Thome. 8. Lettres, [A. Crottet: Petite chronique protestante de France ou documents hist. sur les eglises ref. de ce royaume. Paris et Gen. Appendice.] Tom. X. Pars IL p. XVII. * Commentary on the twelfe minor Prophets, by Owen. [Transi Soc. 7] Edinb. 5 t. . 1863. 8. 1847 Der Genfer Catechismus. [BocJcel: Die BeJcenntnissschriften der ev. ref. Kirche. Leipz., Brochhaus. p. 127.172.] * Commentary on Genesis, by King. [Transi Soc. 9] Edinb. 2 t. . 1850. 8. * Commentary of the Gospel of St. John, by Pringle. [Transi Soc. 8] Edinb. 2 t. .1860. 8. 1848 Christ the end of the Law, by Welden. Lond. 4. Calvin on the jewish sabbath. Lat. and engl. Lond. 8. * Commentary on the epistles to the Corinthians, by Pringle. [Transi Soc. 10] Edinb. 2 t. .1849. 8. 1849 * Commentary on Ezekiel, by Myers. f Transi. Soc. ll] 21. .1850 Edinb. 8. * Commentary on Romans. New tr. by Owen. [Transi Soc. 12] Edinb. 8. 1850 * Correspondance francaise de Calvin avec L. du Tillet, publiee par A. Crottet. Gen., Cherbuliez. 8. Tom. X. Pars IL Proll p. X VIL