59:489 489 CHRONOLOGICUS 490 Over de vier Evang, en de Handelingen der Apostelen. Leid. fol. Uitlegghinghe op alle de Sendbrieven Pauli, end op den Sendbrief tot den Hebreen. Amat. fol. De commentarien op de canonicke Sendtbrieven Petri, Jacobi, Joannis, Iudae. Leyd. fol. 1583 * Der heilig Brotkorb der h. Romischen Rehquien oder wiirdigen Heiligthumsprocken, das ist Johannis Calvini nothwendige Vermanung. (Vorrede von Eysenberg. Beschlage von Pickart [Fischart]). Cbristlingen [Strassburg] bei Ursino Gutwino [Jobiri]. 1538 (sic). 8. Waerscbouwinghe van de Reliquien der Heylighen. Antw. 4. * Commentarius in quinque libr. Mosis. Gen., Sanctandr. fol. Tom. XXIII. Proll p. XVIII. The sermons upon the fifth booke of Moses, called Deuteronomie. Transi, by A. Golding. Lond. fol. * Commentarius in Isaiam. [6?ew.] Vignon. fol. Tom. XXXVI. Proll. p. ll. * Praelectiones in Ezechielis capita viginti priora. [6rew.] Sanctandreanus. fol. Tom. XL. Proll. p. 17. Praiers used by J. C. at the end of his reading on Hoseah. Tranl. by J. Field. Lond. 16. * A commentarie upon the epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes. Transi, by Chr. Rosdell. Lond. 4. 1584 Institutionis christianae religionis epitome per G. Launaeum. Lond, Vautrollerius. 8. * Der heilig Brotkorb . . . Christlingen. 8. Sermons upon the booke of Job, by A. Golding. Lond. fol. Two godly and learned sermons (Ps. 16 and Heb. 13). Transi, by Rob. Horne. Lond., for Car. 8. * A Harmonie upon the three evangelistes Matthew, Mark and Luke. A commentarie upon S John. Transi, by E. P(aget). Lond., Bishop. 8. * The holy Gospel of J. C. according to John with commentary. Transi, by Fetherstone. [Lond.] Dawson. 8. * Commentarius in Acta Apostolorum. Gen., Vignon. fol. Tom. XLVIII. Proll.p. V. A commentarie upon the epistle to the Philippians. Transi. by W. B(ecket). Lond., Lyng. 4. The commentary upon the ep. of S. John Lond., H(arison). 8.