59:488 * Two and twentie sermons on the 119. Psalm. Transi. by T. S(tocker). Lond., Dawson. 4. * Commentarii in epistolas Pauli, item in ep ad Hebraeos et in omnes epistolas canonicas. Gen., Vignon. fol. Tom. XLIX. Proll p. XIX. Three propositions or speeches. Transi, by T. W(ilcox). Lond. 8. 1581 Sermons upon the ten commandements of the Lawe. Transi. by J. Harm ar. Lond. 4. 27 sermons concerning the divinitie, humanitie and nativitie of our Lord J. C. Transi, by Tho. Stocker. Lond., Dawson. 8. Predicatien over den Lofsanck des Coninckx Ezechie . . overghesedt door Th. O. Antwerpen. 8 min. A sermon conteining an exhortation to suffer persecution for following Jesus Christe and his Gospell, upon Heb. 13. Lond. 8. An excellent treatise of the immortalitie of the soule. Transi, by Tho. Stocker. Lond., Daye. 8. * Commentarius in 12 prophetas minores. Gen., Vignon. fol. Tom. XLII. Proll p. 195. A commentarie upon the epistle to the Galatians. TransL by R. V(aux). Lond. 4. *A commentarie upon the epistle to the Colossians. TransL by R. V(aux). Lond., Purfoote. [1581] 4, 1582 The Institution of christian religion by T. Norton. Lond.,. Middleton. 4. Institutionis christianae religionis compendium per Edm. Bunnium. Antw. 8. Underweysung inn christlicher Religion. Trewlich verteutscht. Heydelberg. fol The Catechisme or maner to teache children the christian religion. Lond., Kyngston. 8. Excuse a Messieurs les Nicodemites. * Commentarii in Harmoniam Evangelistarum et in Johannem. Gen., Vignon. fol. Tom. XLV. Proll p. F. Harmonia, dat is, een tsamenstemminghe uit de drie Evangeliste^ vert. door Gallinaceum. Item op het Ev*. Johannis, item de Handelingen der Apostelen, vert. door J. Florianum. Antw., Soolmans. fol.